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Top secrets to building a successful startup

building a successful startup

After reading this post you will have learnt a lot about building a successful startup Let’s say the truth being that we want to be frank with you. Growing a start up business is hard. And it takes and effort. You would be the one handling everything from sales to marketing to adverts, etc.

And at the end of the day it affects you. And we all are trying to make more money aside from the 9 to 5 job. And as I earlier said, 90% of start-ups fail

But it is possible to be among the 10% who are Successful by following the proven strategies written in this site but first of all, be sure you relaxed and determined to succeed in your career

Big money Excess money

More money

This can never be over emphasized. You should have heard it almost everywhere and you are wondering why I still referred to it as a secret? Let me tell you why

When you ask most start up business: “Who are you services for?” Their most likely answer is “It’s for everyone that needs it”. And that is wrong. You should be able to know your target audience as per their age, gender, location, etc.

For instance, in career opportunities website our target audience are young persons who are desirous of achieving success in their career life whether they are running start up business within or finding opportunities to study abroad, or looking for investors for their business and fellowship to build on their chosen career part.

So like that we already know the type of audience we want to work with and should be expecting to visit our site thus we structure our services towards their needs and solutions to their immediate career challenge.

So you need to understand your USP

In your business and in very other human endeavour that you find yourself in USP stands for Unique Selling Point/Proposition.

This is what differentiates you from other brands in your same niche. This is what answers the question “Why should my customer choose me over the other business owner?” You have to find out what makes you stand out in the market.

For instance, in my our own business, our Unique Selling

Point is that we deliver to our clients in 24-48 hours or we work for free. Can you see what we did there?

We noticed that most clients where complaining about delivery time that some other businesses delay their work so we used that as an advantage in our business

So, become creative. Look for that problem most of your customer face in other businesses, find a way to solve it and make a promise to them. It must be something that would “wow” them and make them patronize you

Determine your selling point

You also should give out content. Educate your target audience. This is what will make them want to come visiting your business

Let’s say for instance you are starting a Computer repair service business, teach people how to know if their system is about to get an issue, how to troubleshoot issues, etc.

Then at the end of the posts, you can add “Do you need to repair your computer, send a DM to get a free troubleshoot”.

Harness the social media potential for your business

This is another very important step and key growing a new business. You need to advertise your business. Yes, I know you would have referrals, but even the big brands still advertise to create awareness about the services they offer.

Another big aspect here is the design you business for your advertisement. Now you need to get a good design that would appeal and convert to your target audience and grab their attention. This is really important to do as a start up.

Because most people don’t know about you in the market yet you need to create awareness about your business, the product and the services.

But wait, aren’t they your competitors?? But come to think of it, you are just starting out, so your aim shouldn’t be about competing right now.

Instead it should be focused on getting into the market and being able to stand out from the crowd.

Now, what is actually the advantage of connecting with other people in your niche? Since the person has been in the business before you, you can surely learn a thing or two from the person, how the market operates, guidelines in the market, etc.

Connect, network, contract with businesses in other niche

Now you would want to build trust with your customers so they can come back patronizing you and also referring people to your business.

So you should not just sell but also relate with them.

Make them know you care about them and not just their money (even though the money is the final aim to some business owners

But you get what I’m saying. Make them want to do business with you. Create a conducive environment for them to buy whatever services or products you offer and watch has your start up increases over time.

Don’t only strive to sell, do engage

As a start up, most of the loyal customers you get are referrals but then, you still need to follow up. Like 80% of your deals are not closed on the first conversation.

You still need to follow up on them and understand why they have no bought yet.

For instance, once a prospect tells you “I will get back to you”, you should be the one to get back to them and find out what is delaying the buying process then solve the issue.

Follow up on customers or clients

This last secret to growing your business is actually in public domi8an, it should be known to everybody truly want to go into business because there is actually no business without customers and when you meet your customers it worth every effort to keep hence as a good business man or woman you must keep up your customers


Now, that we have gone through top secrets, you have to take out time to implement them and watch your start up business grow if you want to take your business to the next level by consultation there consultation firms out there you call and book time with. Sometimes you may be fortunate to consult for free.