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How to maintain lead as the best candidate in an interview

best candidate in an interview

How to maintain lead as the best candidate in an interview. To think of maintaining a lead, you must first be in the lead to maintain lead. How would you take a lead in competitive jobs? It is by first making a first impression that supersedes other impressions by hundreds of other job seekers. You can make impressive job applications that would place you first among other in the selection process when you have a great and professionally arranged curriculum vitae or a great resume.

Having a great CV is not the end to making an impression on recruiter, we suggested that there so much other things to do stand a better chance among other candidates seeking same role in same company as you. We have published a lot the things to do on this site and we advise that you check them.

Recruiters are different persons so you shouldn’t expect to do what you did to impress Mr. Recruiter A in A company for Mr. In B Company. These recruiters are different persons from different backgrounds, with total different training and most importantly different challenges in life. You may ask what challenges, there could not be any challenges, and the truth is that every one of us out there has one challenge or the other. Even those we have prayed to be. You must learn the different ways to impress recruiters hence this article.

There are certain things that i would say are uniform s regard this topic. That is what every recruiter would want, at least when you do these things right you most likely move an inch ahead of other job seekers. Starting from your curriculum vitae (CV) or your resume, whichever one you are better off to use in your job application.

So to stay ahead and or to impress, you must have to have a professionally arranged CV or resume. We hope that you understand the difference between CV and resume, if your answer is in the negative, no problem we have put a link below this article where you can read the clear difference between CV and resume. The article also contains when to use either your CV or your resume and the best way to use any of them for a better result. The article will help you so greatly because it has so much tips regarding making a great professional CV or resume.  Understanding the differences between CV and resume as we outlined in the article will help you to draft really a professional CV or resume. When you send out any of the two to recruiter it would make a very good impression on the recruiter that you are better candidate, it would stand you out among all other candidates

Number one; have professionally arranged curriculum vitae or resume.

With a professionally arranged CV or  resume and have sent same to a recruiter for a job application, you are selected among the first or best candidates for the job, and your CV or your resume tell good tales about you; first that you composed which means there could be some really something interesting about you.

The truth about when applications are made to a recruiter for he a job he or she may have advertised is that he or she may received nothing less than 20 applications which needed to be scrutinized. And in the most case close to 5 thousands applications may have been received. This is usually in government recruitment or recruitment by very big firms.

So the recruiter may have to select 10 to 20 best arranged CVs. The reason some times could be that there is a limited time to begin and conclude the recruitment; the recruiter sometimes may not because one reason or the read all the documents sent; the CVs, cover letters and other supporting documents. I bet if you were to the recruiter, you wouldn’t be able to read all the cover letters and CVs.

We are strict about the best arranged CVs. Best we can’t say out rightly best because we notion that there is probably nothing as the best CV in job hunting

Lets further explained best arranged CV to you because, you’re CV is actually your starting point

The best arranged CVs we are talking about are those CVs that a child could be able to pick the relevant information at a distance look, just in seconds. With CV like this, the recruiter doesn’t need to waste time searching through to find relevant information that is needed or relevant to the job advertised.

The point is that when your CV is not clear or well arranged, you stand a bigger chances of been left behind when few CVs that meet up some standards are being picked out for consideration. Sometimes you be the most qualified for the job, but you have been rejected for have unimpressive CV Once you have a professionally arranged CV, that is the first step in the right direction, continue read from here