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Clear Difference between curriculum vitae (CV) and resume and the best way to use them and when to use them. 

Clear Difference between curriculum vitae (CV) and resume and the best way to use them and when to use them and Must asked questions in an interview


Curriculum vitae (CV) Curriculum vitae is a Latin expression that means the course of life, in simple English, what you have gone through in life, summarizing your entire professional or work life.

Curriculum Vitae are Comprehensive. That it has enough details of the owner. It contains the complete professional or work details.

Curriculum vitae are usually in 2 to 20 pages, it can be more

Curriculum vitae are used when applying for an academic position; scholarships, Lecturing, readers, professorships, advanced research, fellowship and more that requires profiling, high profile offices holding.

Curriculum vitae can be used to apply for all jobs.

Curriculum vitae focus more on the expertise; what skills make you an expert in your field.

In Curriculum vitae education is usually considered second after experience however, this does not really matter.  

In Curriculum vitae references are included.


Resume is a French expression which means summary.

Resumes are more concise, very short and contain less information.

Resume is summarised in 1to 2 pages at maximum

Resumes are mostly or usually used when applying for the job and internship or taking part in the job fair and other positions that are less public.

Resume are customised or mortified to suit the job you are apply for to modified for a specific job

Resume focus more on contribution over a short period of time; how your work made difference, where you have worked

In Resume education is mentioned after experience, however this is less important

In resume references are not included or are not necessary, however you may decide to include


Sometimes when you apply for jobs in multinational companies, or in an international non governmental organizations, you are required to submit a resume. But some job seekers go ahead to submit CV which some times lead to their disqualification. You need resume to apply for certain positions in some certain companies. That is one of the major reasons you must understand the differences between this two most important documents in the job market. Learn this differences today and send the right application the next time you are sending job application.

Must asked questions in an interview;

These questions are most in the interview, find answers to these questions before going for the interview. You cannot escape any one of these questions in a series interview for a series job. The question may be rephrased; we rephrased each in four sentences. It is very likely that the sentence that the interviewer will use would fall in any of these four 

1. Why are you looking for a job change?

Or why do you want to change your job?

Or why are you leaving your current jobs?

Or why did you leave your last job?

2. What are your strengths?

Or where are the areas of your strengths?

Or where do your strengths lie?

Or what can you do better than others?

3. Why do you want to work with A&T?

Or why do you prefer to work here?

Or what makes you want to work in this company?

Or why do you choose to work with our company?

4. Why do you think you are a better candidate for this job?

Or why should we prefer you to others?

Or why should we hire you?

Or why you instead of others?

5. What are you looking at for a salary?

Or what should we pay you monthly?

Or what are your salary scales?

Or what would you accept as salary?