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These skills will pay highest in 2025 and beyond

These skills will pay highest

These skills will pay highest in years to come. In today’s world, everyone is gaining skills, the reason is because skills are more sustainable than jobs, and another good reason is that there are no jobs as before when a graduate would be leaving higher institution and getting into a good paying job. Today, if you are lucky to find a job, the salary would be completely low, and wouldn’t be enough to sustain the earner till the end of the month.

Smart people are rather learning important skills, to develop on and build a better life. Take note that skill is different from talent.

The Differences between skill and talent

Skill is something that one finds interest, something he or she does not know how to do which he or she has interest in knowing how to do it. To do this the individual will have to acquire the skill to be able to do it. To acquire the skill, the individual would have to go into weeks or months or years of learning. 

The learning process would introduce the individuals to the basics and the continues learning would make the individuals a professional in that particular skill field. This is very important to note, anyone can acquire any particular skill except, however,  those that have disabilities that have made it difficult to go through the learning stage, and performing the basics and required tasks in the particular skill field.

Talent, on the other hand is different from skill. Not anyone can learning talent,  you can only improve and get better with your talent.  Talent is inborn, an art that someone is born with or someone inherited from parents. Talent can be dormant until noticed and brought out to the public.

Talent can remain dormant for life time. Talent is a God’s gift to his creatures. Anyone can have talent in anything, but that does not stop anyone from learning to do that which another person has talent in. The individual who has talent and the other who acquired as a skill by training or by learning are both in good position. The individual that will get to the best position is that individual who keeps practicing, developing and advancing.

Here are the list of Skills that will pay highest in 2025. I will be list only very few skills that will still be in high demand and will not be taking over or made irrelevant by AI instead, AI will be an added advantage to the people who will acquire these skills or who have acquired the skills already.

Marketing Skill:

Top on our list, is marketing skill. Ai is not ever going going to take this away from humans, and there are several reasons it’s so. Rather Ai will be used by humans to advance on this skill. Ai will be a lot helpful to individuals who acquire marketing skill.

The ability to sell, the ability to convince people to buy a product or service, and eventually the people convinced bought the product or the service. The skill to do the above will be worth more than gold in the coming years.

There will be more products than almost the buyers, there will be more service services than almost the buyers of these services, convincing buyers to buy from and not from others will be worth so much that individuals who posses the marketing skill will be paid really high to render his or her services. Marketing Skill is be one if the most sought after skill in the market right now and years to come. You may need to acquire such skill  now.

Fashion skill.

This skill will get more attention in the coming years. Fashion skill is already making waves. This is because people are constantly demanding for a new style of wears, blazing moving away from old styles.

The scenario playing right now, is that the style of this month for instance is considered old in the next month.
So acquire this skill and put your mind into it, it’s paying high right now and also going to pay higher in years to come.

Skill in Generative Ai

Everybody knows this, the whole world is moving into this area of generative Ai. All sectors or fields of human endeavours. Having a skill in generative Ai will pay you more than you can imagine. You can look into this area if you are still considering which skill to acquire.

Skill in Cybersecurity

This skill has been relevant since the beginning of the Internet, the more Internet advances the more Cybersecurity Professionals are needed. The high the demand for Cybersecurity professionals, the high the pay. This very important, the Advancement of Ai will require that more Cybersecurity professionals are needed to address it’s negative impact.

Other skills here are the following below;

Data Analysis Skill.

Cooking skill


If you have not chosen a skill to learn or acquire whichever word suits, and you considering to go into acquiring any relevant skill, I will advise you to choose one of these listed skills up here.

These skills will pay highest in the coming years and some of these skills are already paying highest current. Learn one of these skills today and thank yourself later for making the bold step in the right direction.